Sunday, December 22, 2013

What I want

I just want to drink pumpkin spice steamers all day long, and watch cheesy Christmas movies with you. I want to go ugly sweater shopping with you. I want you to hold my nervous hands. I want to be surrounded by friends who truly care about me. I want someone to come sit with me and ask me about how my life is. I want to laugh and smile as easily as I used to. Mostly, I want someone in my life who gets my language just as perfectly as you do.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Homecoming Parade

On Saturday morning, the roomie and I and some friends went to the Homecoming Parade on Main Street! I haven't been to a parade in well over a year, and the last time I was at one, I was waving from a sweet float. Saturday, we got TONS of candy, free Snow College snapbacks, glow sticks, balloons, otter pops, popcorn and all! It was so fun to celebrate something-anything!
I also ran into the street half a dozen times to grab tootsie rolls that were thrown a little too short of our spot. No shame. I am a kid at heart.

Now....I think I'll be sending some of those extra tootsie rolls to my toots in Hawaii :) Expect a package soon my lovelies :)

This is the post-parade selfie! Love you Jujifruit!

We are poor students. So we use what we have to workout :)

Me and my roommate Julie

Monday, September 9, 2013

Feelin' Special

I  am SOO happy that my best friend Rashelle came to visit me this weekend, just 2 short weeks before she leaves to serve a full-time LDS mission.
Rashelle helped me get through my first year of college, with insanely terrible roommates, social anxiety, & need of rides home. She added many needed hugs and much laughter to my life.

This weekend, we got to:
Split a wrap in the cafeteria for the last time.
Go to my Institute Choir social and play Wink and Ultimate Spoons.
Party Hardy to One Direction & The Backstreet Boys at our last Institute Dance! (These were our thing Freshman year!)
Do some Sister Missionary bargain shopping at the Downeast Outlet in town.
Eat an entire DEEP DEEP DISH pizza for lunch.
See Monster's University in 3D. (SOO FUNNY!)

Thanks for the memories Rashelle. :) I know you're going to be the best, most sincere, happiest, funnest missionary and companion out there. Denver earnestly calls your name! Love ya baybay.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Everything can kill you these days.

It does seem that way, doesn't it? I can relate to this funny post that my chemistry teacher showed our class, because as a child, I had a lot of irrational fears. The point my teacher made to the class was that the media tends to strike fear in the hearts of everyone about everything! Anything can be twisted and said in a way to make us believe it. Don't forget to think for yourself.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Al Fox

People-you gotta look up this girl, Al Fox. She is an incredibly inspiring convert to the LDS Church though covered in tatoos, is a strong and committed Mormon who has learned a lot about judging others and why it's so important to not do so! She tours around the Western US speaking at firesides, Efy's and other functions. I absolutely love these quotes by her.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Vote for Allen Bentley!

This is my cousin who is studying at BYU Provo right now, he is in this Vocal Competition and needs your vote to  win a free track on Itunes! Please help! Ends TODAY!
VOTE HERE, Allen Bentley!!!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Fantastic February

Instead of focusing on how sad I am that my sister and her kids are back in Hawaii, I want to focus this post on how incredibly wonderful their visit was. It was three weeks of pure Heaven, we created so many memories and strengthened our bonds with one another. Some of my favorite memories:
*Leonardo Museum with Grandpa Doug
*Reading books and having sleepovers
*Gardner Village pictures and shopping
*Making pb & j's
*Chili dinner, dice games, ping-pong, and watching Charade at Aunt Anita's
*Dance parties to Vocal Point and One Direction
*Hide N' Go Seek in the mini circus tent from Ikea
*Oh yeah, IKEA!
*K's mini singing concerts in the front room
*Playing Restaurant in the downstairs playroom
*Kisses and "I love you" 's
*"I missed you" 's
*The Ballet with the Grandparents
*Snow horses
*M's Makeup Mishap
*Dr. Suess
*S's Sensational Spelling Skills!
*Mustache Love
*S & K's pictures, notes and Valentines.
*Asian City!
*Singing "I love to see the Temple" each time we passed a temple.
*M's breathtaking smiles and hilarious gestures
*Visiting with Grandpa LaVer in the Care center, and playing hide and go seek in the cabinet
*Even Wal-Mart is fun with these kids
*Last, but definitely most precious: Run n' Hugs :)
 My sister Aleisha took the majority of these pictures. You can follow her photography blog at, other pictures were taken by my sisters Melissa and Makayla.

Until we can be together again, skype calls and letters will just have to do. I love you with every piece of my heart.