Tuesday, December 11, 2012

When my roommates make fat jokes, I attack them with frozen pizzas. Kelsey, you've gotta come home some time....

Monday, November 19, 2012

The Soundtrack of My Summer
Skinny Love by Birdy
I love this song! And plus, it makes me feel really happy that Imagine Dragons is from Utah!


So sometimes I feel like people, especially siblings and peers are not as fond of me as I wish they were. I wish everyone would love and admire me, the way I do them. But, I found a new perspective on things while I was studing my Gospel Doctrine's book. Ya know Joseph in Egypt? Yeah, the one who was really righteous and all the intelligent people loved him, but his brothers hated him, and threw him in a pit, told their father that he had been killed by a wild animal, and then sold him into slavery! Wow, so much ruder than anything anyone's ever done to me! And to top it all off, when he ran into those same brothers years later, he was nothing but forgiving toward them, and invited them to come live with him in his Palace. He loved them still! So how dare I consider people's distaste toward me as a trespess? And what's more, how can I not forgive them for such?
So, I discovered the Harvard Sailing Team on what my Mom calls "THE Youtube". And I love them so freaking much. Mostly just the guys though, the girls are really boring. I guess I mean..the "guys"....oh w.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Perfect Space by The Avett Brothers

So you're probably wondering where I got the idea for my blog name:The Perfect Space. It's from my new favorite song that I discovered by the Avett Brothers, no less! They are incredible! Their music feels like it was all written just for me. This song Perfectly describes my life right now. :) Also, I am so incredibly grateful for those many friends of mine who love and accept me the way that I am. Just wanted to clarify that before you hear this song...have a listen and enjoy!

Channing Tatum...yumm

So Channing Tatum was voted the sexiest man alive this week...and I'm all: I realized that 8 years ago. Where has everyone else been?